Thursday, May 22, 2008

Getting caught up

Vivian and I were goofing off at the Wild Aminal Park and we snapped this picture. Then I realized it had been a while since I had posted a picture of me on the website. so here one is. If you can't tell, I cut off most of my hair and added bangs. As I was sitting in the stylist chair I noticed that when I furrowed my brow and then ralaxed it, the lines stayed. So if figured short of Botox it might make me look younger if I covered them up with bangs. So far they are not driving me nuts, but the stylist gave me some awesome product. to keep them out of my face or sswept to the side.

Enough about my hair. Let me tell you about my job. I am loving it. I thought I would love the babies classes, but actually they are kind of boring, what I really enjoy is the older kids and I even have an adult who is 39 and is learning to swim for the first time. Every time she had to put her face in the water and float, she atarts to shake, so slowly we are working thru her anxieties. She is applying for a job as a flight attentant, and she has to be able to demonstrate that in the event of a water landing, she could safely get out of the plane and swim to a life raft. I am truly enjoying the challange and hope to have more adult classes soon.

We are spending Memorial Day Weekend at Camp Del MAr, right on the beach on Camp Pendelton. Our Friends, the Miltons got an ocean front site and invited us to come along. Looking forward to a relaxing time, but the weather is not looking to great. Today we had a huge thunderstorm come thru while I was in SAMS Club. I had parked next to a drain, and when I came out, I had to wade thru 8 inches of water to get to my car. Then I had to stand in it while I loaded up my car. UGH!!!!!! It was so cold and dirty. At our house Troy and Gabriel collected the hail that was falling in a cup and they kept it in the freezer for me to see when I got home. Weird weird weather. Just a few minutes ago there was a tornado about 15 miles up the road in Lake Elsinore.

Last night I began my training for the PTSA at the middle school where Vivian will be next year. The middle school is very strict about who has access to the campus during school hours but as a PTSA board member I will be issued an ID badge and have access to campus at msot time. That way I can be ther to embarrass Vivian whenever she sees me. The board position by the way is Financial Secretary, really all that is is that I have to go to the bank twice a week and make any deposits that need to be made into the PTSA account.

Troy and I have started Nutrisystem because we both have no portion control and the summer is coming and we wnated to drop about 20 lbs before it really gets here. So far so good. The first three days we were starving all the time, but now we ssem to have adjusted to the portions and we are averaging about a pound a day weight loss. It seems to keep us on track because we spent a fair amount on the food, which is actually pretty good.

Thats about all that shappening on our end. I will post pictures from the weekend sometime next week.
Have a glorious weekend with those you love,

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vivian's Bronze Award Ceremony

Viv received her Bronze Award for Girl Scout this weekend. Here is a picture of her as she lights the candle to celebrate her acheivement.
This is her whole troop.
Here are the girls celebrating the bridging ceremony at the organ Pavilion in Balboa Park in San Diego.
This is the girls just before they walked across the bridge in Balboa Park as a part of the bridging Ceremony. Vivian won't be participating in the Girl Scouts after this year, because the work for the Cadettes to earn their Silver and Gold award is extensive and we worry that she won't have the time to really give it the attention it will deserve.Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 12, 2008

Great Movie

We took the kids to see Iron MAn was fantastic. I am a fan of Robert Downey Jr. again. The movie is well written, witty and very exciting. I recommend it for just about everyone.

Not a dry eye among the Mothers

They were so sweet. Henderson is at the top row beside the big blond boy in red stripes.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday Soccer Game

Here is Gabriel's monkey face......

And here he is cheering on the sidelines for his team. The cast comes off on Thursday, thank god, it stinks so bad and his foot is nasty . After each game, Troy huddles with the kids and they sing a really cute cheer.
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Vivians swim meet

Vivian had a swim meet last weekend. She did really well and placed in her division in all events except one. The first two pictures are from her first ever 200 meter individual medley , which she was a little nervous about and the last is a great shot I got from her 5o meter butterfly.

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Happy Mothers Day

I wanted to share this poem that Vivain wrote for me in my Mothers Day Card.

Your smile brightens me every day.
Your heart gives me a place to stay.
Your kindness creeps into my heart.
Your perserverance makes me do my part.
Your arms are always open wide.
That's why I am here , on your side.

I thought this was so sweet and I thought she did a really good job.

Henderson Baseball

More good pictures of Henderson on the field. My friend Jeni was team Mom for the other team that Henderson played on Wednesday and she got these good photos. The little boy in the background is her son Christian. He and Henderson were in kindergarten together.
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