Sunday, March 30, 2008

Busy Busy Week

This was our last week of spring break and the kids are back to school tomorrow. I will try to get back into my old routine of dog park and the gym in the mornings . The weather here has been fantastic, notice how tan Gabriel is in the pictures below. We went to the pool twice this week. Vivian and I had dentist appointments on Thursday, and I have 2 cavities!!! Ugh...those get filled on Wednesday. Vivian had to have a space maintainer put in her mouth to save a space before her permanent tooth comes in. She is so proud of it, its like begining orthodontics.

We got some good news and some sad news this week. Our friends Chris and Robin who we go way back with from Troy's days in the marines have received orders back to Virginia, we hate to see them go, but it has been nice to have them close for a few years. Plus he should never have to go back to Iraq. 4 tours was enough. They lived on the base at Camp Pendelton , they had a great view of the ocean and it was always conveinent to go to their house to go to the beach. And then right after they told us they were leaving another old buddy of Troy's is being transferred out here from New York with his job. We have not seen or talked to him in years and so it will be exciting to reconnect.

Please take a minute to check out the CF husband link on the right of my blog. It is a truly inspirational story about a young family from the Outer BAnks of NC who are facing some serious health issues with grace and strength and unwavering faith in God. Theirs is a beautiful love story that deserves to be told.

That is about all for the Louviere's this week. I hope that all of you are doing well and that this upcoming week brings many blessings.

Leigh Anne

Happy Birthday Winston

Thursday was Winston's first birthday. We took him and his friend Reagan(who we were dog sitting ) to PetSmart for some new toys and treats. The dogs were great, the kids drove me nuts fighting over who got to hold the leashes. We bough the dogs some Frosty Paws(doggie icecream) and they laid out in the sunny yard and licked them up. We are so happy that we made the decision to get a dog, and Winston was a good choice. He has adjusted beautiffly to living with us and we love him more and more every day. If any of you are considering a Boxer, I highly recommend our breeder and can pass on his website to you. Just let me know.
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Does anyone know what kind of moth this is. It was on the side of our house the other day, and it was beautiful. Under its wings was another set of wings that were pink. They were so pretty.
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Our weekend project

This weekend Troy and I put this system into Viv's closet to make room for a new desk. She will be heading into 6th grade next year and as of right now she does her homework at the bar or kitchen table. She gets really distracted by her brothers and so we decided it was probably time to get her accustomed to doing her homework in her own room. Before we can get her a desk we have to move out her dresser and her small desk and bookcase. So this was our best solution to clearing out her stuff.

It seems as though she has been bitten by the organization bug. Lets hope it sticks.
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Saturday Soccer Game

Here is Gabriel and few of the other kids from his team, The Purple Pirates.

Henderson dressed as their mascot until he got put in time out for backtalking.
Viv was the scorekeeper.
And Troy is the coach.
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

I can get paid for this

Hi everybody,

Now that the house is quiet, I have spent some more time learning about how this whole blogging thing works. One neat feature I wanted to share with you all is this thing called ADsense from Google. I have signed up for it and if you notice on my blog there is an ad for Hurricaine Relief for the Gulf States. Believe it or not, each time someone clicks on that I will get paid for it.

The Ads will change frequently and Google posts them automatically for me based on the type of traffic I am recieving. So if you see anything interesting, click on it. I will let you know how it works out.

I Love Legoland

Here are me and Gabriel at Legoland this past Thursday. I love this place and it won't be long before the boys will think it is too babyish. For those of you have never been, alot of things around the park like this elephant are made entirely of Legos . It is really amazing to see

While Troy and Vivian and Henderson have been in Colorado, it has been just me and Gabriel. He has been a little spoiled. I must admit I didn't realize how much he and his siblings play together because it has all fallen on me these past 8 days and boy is he High Maintenance. I also took him to see Horton hears a Who. It was very cute.

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Brian Head, Lost Teeth, and School Awards

Here are Troy and the boys in Brian Head Utah. This was a great family resort, fees were affordable, the drive was easy and the slopes were perfect for beginers like me.
Henderson's class voted on him for citizenship Award. He was so happy.
And finally a lost tooth, we thought this day would never come. He is saving his money to buy a Wii.Posted by Picasa