Sunday, March 30, 2008

Busy Busy Week

This was our last week of spring break and the kids are back to school tomorrow. I will try to get back into my old routine of dog park and the gym in the mornings . The weather here has been fantastic, notice how tan Gabriel is in the pictures below. We went to the pool twice this week. Vivian and I had dentist appointments on Thursday, and I have 2 cavities!!! Ugh...those get filled on Wednesday. Vivian had to have a space maintainer put in her mouth to save a space before her permanent tooth comes in. She is so proud of it, its like begining orthodontics.

We got some good news and some sad news this week. Our friends Chris and Robin who we go way back with from Troy's days in the marines have received orders back to Virginia, we hate to see them go, but it has been nice to have them close for a few years. Plus he should never have to go back to Iraq. 4 tours was enough. They lived on the base at Camp Pendelton , they had a great view of the ocean and it was always conveinent to go to their house to go to the beach. And then right after they told us they were leaving another old buddy of Troy's is being transferred out here from New York with his job. We have not seen or talked to him in years and so it will be exciting to reconnect.

Please take a minute to check out the CF husband link on the right of my blog. It is a truly inspirational story about a young family from the Outer BAnks of NC who are facing some serious health issues with grace and strength and unwavering faith in God. Theirs is a beautiful love story that deserves to be told.

That is about all for the Louviere's this week. I hope that all of you are doing well and that this upcoming week brings many blessings.

Leigh Anne


toners said...

I'm sorry to hear that your buddies are leaving; I know you enjoyed having them close by. You definitely had a busy break!

Anonymous said...

I keep getting surprised at the changes you do on the background. We realized we weren't doing the blog correctly. I may have to call you if Steve can't figure out how to put the background in. We'll see how it goes. Terri