Monday, April 28, 2008

A little more than a broken toe

He actually broke it on the growth plate at the base of the big joint. The Orthopedic Dr. that we saw today felt a cast was necessary because he has been so hard to keep still and off his foot. He can walk on it and even run a little, but this just stabilizes the joint and gives the plate the cahce to heal properly. No soccer games for 3 weeks. Poor Guy. Tonight just before bed he asked me how to take it off. I don't think he gets it.
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90 plus degrees on Sunday

It was a hot I took the kids to the pool to cool off. Vivian was pretty bored until her friend Natasha showed up and then the smile came out. I worked on my tan a little( with sunscreen of course) but I too had to get in to escape the heat.
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Sunday, April 27, 2008


Henderson is doing really well on his baseball team. His coach thinks he should go straight to kid pitch next year and skip machine pitch altogether. Troy is not too sure, but we have ayear to decide.

These pictures are of him running home and getting a kid out on a double play. He was jumping up and down once he realized he got the boy out.
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Back to Work

Tomorrow morning I will do something I havn't done for years. I will get up, get the kids off to school, and then I will go to work. For 2 hours....... I guess you could say I am easing back into it. And of course tomorrow I have to schedule an orthopedic appt for Gabriel, go pick up his x rays at the hospital and pick him up from Nana's house. Nana is his best friends grandmother who, thank God for her, pick both boys up from preschool , usually takes them somewhere for lunch and then drops him off at home.

Troy is out of town again , but it is a much shorter trip this time. Today we celebrated our 11th anniversary. We didn't do much special, but he finished painting Vivians room. I willl post pictures when her window casing and chair rail are installed. I think I am going to get tickets to see Wicked the broadway play that is in Los Angeles right now to celebrate properly maybe in a few weeks.

Vivian took a math placement test to see if she will be able to take pre Algebra next year at the middle school. She feels like she did well, so we will see. She is so excited about her newly painted room, she just stays in there making sure it is clean.

Thats about all for the week. Hope the upcoming one bring many glorious moments.


Broken Toe

Gabriel has broken his toe. He did it Thursday afternoon and we took him for x rays on Friday. Yhe radiologist called our Dr. that afternoon and told her it was a non displacing fracture. By that time it was too late to get in at the orthopedist and so that is first on my list of things to do tomorrow. For now we are trying to keep him off of it, but that is proving very difficult. He wants to be out playing with the other kids in the neighborhood, and so he has figured out how to walk on his foot without using his toe. He thinks that means it has healed.
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Monday, April 21, 2008

Gabriel sings along with Zac Ephron

Gabriel sings Bet on It
Troy and I thought this was hilarious. Hope you do tto, otherwise I guess we are jsut weird.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekly Update

So another week has flown by. Henderson' s teacher pointed out to me the other day that there are 40 days of school left.

Not a super eventful week for us. Just alot of baseball and swim practice and girl scout stuff. Gabriel's ears are finally clear, the Dr. gave him another tympanogram and he passed that and the hearing test that we have been putting off while he had so much fluid in his ears, but the school was waiting on the results for his kindergarten packet. Looks like this was allergy related, so he is taking a low dose of Zyrtec while this allergy season is upon him. He had an amazing save at his soccer game on Saturday. It was one of those out of nowhere slides that just pushed the ball away from the goal. Even the parents from the other team applauded for him. He is still talking about it.

This weekend I scored huge at the swim team garage sale. Someone was selling a 32 piece sterling silver flatware set by Wallace for $5. They must not have known what it was because by my best research that I have done online each piece is worth anywhere from 35 to 50 dollars. I cannot decide what to do with it. I also found a 3rd edition autographed copy of Catch Me if You Can by Frank Abagnale. Looks like that may bring in around 300.00. I probably will sell that and give the money to the swim team, they desperately need some new equipment.

Last night Henderson's baseball league got to parade out on the field at the Lake Elsinore Storm baseball game. Of course my camera battery died just before the kids walked out, so once I have copies of the pictures from one of the other parents, I will post them.

Troy left today to go to Raleigh till Friday. I am pretty sad that he will get to be in NC for its glorious spring with all the azaleas and dogwoods in bloom.

I took the kids today to see Nims Island with Jodie Foster and Abigail Breslin. It was so - so. Don't think I will be buying the video when it comes out.

One more week before I begin work. It feels so silly calling it work, since the hours will be so few to start, but none the less, it will still feel good to be kicking in a few bucks here and there for the family. I will post more after I start work.

Hope everyone is well where you are, have a blessed week.



Vivian had a band concert on Wednesday and she played a duet of Edelweiss with her frind Zyla. She didn't know that my Oma used to sing that song to me when I was a baby and that I love the tune. She and Zyla did a great job.
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Winston at the Park

This is Winston last Wednesday at the park with his buddy Jack. They destroyed the frisbee. The weather this past week was perfect, he could have stayed at the park and played with his buddies all day.
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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekly update for the Louvieres

So it seems as though life has slowed down a little bit...whew. I actually got to take a siesta this week.

Vivian had a follow up with the specialist she has been seeing for her tummy issues. It seems as though having her on a daily dose of fiber above 30 grams is doing the trick. No problems for months now and he said that unless the symptoms come back, no more follow ups are needed.

I just about finished up the training needed to begin work in 2 weeks. The classes for the babies are filling up and Casie (my boss) told me to add more hours if I decide I want to. It is kinda neat getting a paycheck however small. I told Troy it could be my housekeeper fund.

We finally sold the truck last weekend at my yardsale. Nice to be done with that gas guzzler.

I know I have mentioned it before, but please check out the CF Husband blog link in the middle to the right of my blog. This story is amazing......Tricia got her lungs last week and is doing fabulous.

Hope all of you are fabulous as well, and that your week flies by.

Leigh Anne

The safest beach in America

This is not a joke. The MP's regularly patrol the beach, keep the younger marines under control and generally discourage any behavior that is not appropriate for a family oriented facility. Not what I was used to based on East Coast experiences with the beaches in NC. I must say that I have alays been very impressed with the cleanliness of the beach, the facilities for families, and the fact that my kids don't have to spend the day around a bunch of drunks who don't know how to behave or who curse and swear alot. I really enjoy this beach alot.
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Beautiful Beach Day

Well, summer is just around the corner for us. Today it was well into the 90's where we live, so we piled the kiddos into the van, and headed to the beach for the day. We went to Del Mar Beach on Camp Pendelton and we met up with our friend Robin and her son Kyler. Her husband Chris is in Iraq for the 4th time. Enough already.....

Anyhow, Troy put on his wetsuit and went surfing for about 2 hours while the kids played without wetsuits in the 60 degree water. I don't know how they did it, my bones in my feet ached everytime I stepped in the shallow part to take pictures. Gabriel is very anxious to really start surfing like Daddy, so he practiced today on his boogie board.

I though this was a really natural picture of Vivian, who showd her girly side today when she decided she would rather work on her tan, than play with the boys.
But, then she showed us how she really felt about having a bunch of boys to play with. (just after this picture she and Kyler had a long and very fun mudfight. )
What beach day wouldn't be complete without at least one kid covered from head to toe in sand?

It was a beautiful day, the dolphins came out around 5 o'clock and started surfing the waves. They were beautiful to watch. They always put on a show at Del Mar Beach, but unfortunatley my camera is not fast enough to catch them when they jump . We finally left around 6 pm and took our tired gang home to warm baths, dinner and bed.
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Middle Age

A man, a minivan, and a longboard......... (sigh)
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Another Reason I love Southern California

Really Cheap Homemade Guacamole!!!!!
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Way to go Viv!!!!

This weekend Vivian had a swim meet. She was seeded 1st in 2 events and 2nd in another. The top picture is her and 2 other girls from her team as they dive in for a 100 meter Individual Medley. She is the furthest away in the red and blue suit.
This is her take off in her backstroke event, her best event.
She is pretty pleased with her times for this meet, even though she didn't smash any records. She has many months of swimming as a ten year old before she "ages up" and so there is a good possibility she will be posting some really competitive times before she turns 11. GO VIV!!!!!
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