Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekly Update

So another week has flown by. Henderson' s teacher pointed out to me the other day that there are 40 days of school left.

Not a super eventful week for us. Just alot of baseball and swim practice and girl scout stuff. Gabriel's ears are finally clear, the Dr. gave him another tympanogram and he passed that and the hearing test that we have been putting off while he had so much fluid in his ears, but the school was waiting on the results for his kindergarten packet. Looks like this was allergy related, so he is taking a low dose of Zyrtec while this allergy season is upon him. He had an amazing save at his soccer game on Saturday. It was one of those out of nowhere slides that just pushed the ball away from the goal. Even the parents from the other team applauded for him. He is still talking about it.

This weekend I scored huge at the swim team garage sale. Someone was selling a 32 piece sterling silver flatware set by Wallace for $5. They must not have known what it was because by my best research that I have done online each piece is worth anywhere from 35 to 50 dollars. I cannot decide what to do with it. I also found a 3rd edition autographed copy of Catch Me if You Can by Frank Abagnale. Looks like that may bring in around 300.00. I probably will sell that and give the money to the swim team, they desperately need some new equipment.

Last night Henderson's baseball league got to parade out on the field at the Lake Elsinore Storm baseball game. Of course my camera battery died just before the kids walked out, so once I have copies of the pictures from one of the other parents, I will post them.

Troy left today to go to Raleigh till Friday. I am pretty sad that he will get to be in NC for its glorious spring with all the azaleas and dogwoods in bloom.

I took the kids today to see Nims Island with Jodie Foster and Abigail Breslin. It was so - so. Don't think I will be buying the video when it comes out.

One more week before I begin work. It feels so silly calling it work, since the hours will be so few to start, but none the less, it will still feel good to be kicking in a few bucks here and there for the family. I will post more after I start work.

Hope everyone is well where you are, have a blessed week.


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