Friday, July 23, 2010

Way past time for an update.....

And I am so sorry for letting almost a year pass without any news/photos of the kids. Mostly this is because my computer is getting old and slow and I use my phone for just about everything computing related these days, thus making my computer practically forgotten. Additionally since I began operation money hoarding/no credit cards usage actually parting with the cash for the Mac of my dreams is really difficult. Everything on this computer backed up and in the event of a major unfixable repair, I'll part with the money and get said Mac of my dreams, until then I really only turn on my computer about once a week and updating the blog really slips my mind. So again, I apologize.

As for the Louviere's, well we are all great. Troy has been training really hard for a set of half marathons in San Diego county called the triple crown. He has completed the first two and has the final race coming up in August. In addition to that he just started training for a triathalon in San Diego this fall.. He has been managing to fit in some surfing. He has a buddy who visits each spring for a long weekend of surfing. The boys are also taking a real interest and that makes Troy happy that he can take his boys surfing. Troy is now an official Agilent employee. So far so good. The corporate culture seems to be very similar to that of Varian, and the merger thus far has been seamless. November we will be transitioned over to the benefits package that Agilent offers and from what I can tell they are pretty generous with their benefits, so hopefully we are on the right track with this new company and Troy will be happy with them. Additionally, there is a lot of oportunity for him to transfer within the company, options we may explore after the new year. If we're gonna uproot the kids I feel like it will have to be next year before Vivian starts High School.

Yep, you heard that right ...this time next year I will be taking my daughter to register for High School. Don't know where the time went, and if I think about it too much I get a little wistful for the baby she once was. Even though she is almost 13, I am just starting to get glimpses into the moody teenager that may be about to visit for awhile. She is for the most part still very sweet and easy. She had another great year at school. She made all A's except for her Algebra class she got a B both semesters. Swimming is still her thing, and she just competed at the Southern California Swimming Age Group Invitational in Irvine , CA. She qualified for the 50 freestyle. She just missed two other time cuts by less than .05 seconds. But nevertheless, she swam well and was glad that she made the cut. Vivian was also selected last year for a peer counseling program at her school which she loved. It is a great leadership oportunity that teams the counselors up with kids at the school that are struggling in various social/academic areas. She also ran for and won the Public Relations position for peer counselors which means she gets to do the morning announcements a few times a week. She is a really great kid and we are very proud of her.

Henderson.....turned 9 yesterday. For me this brings back memories of living in Denver where he was born and having no air conditioning in our house and being so hot and fat and miserable and then so happy that he was finally born. Again, I cannot believe it has been nine years since this sweet little boy joined our family.. Henderson finished 3rd grade this year and what an awesome year it was. He had a fabulous teacher who just inspired him on every level.. Suddenly I have a kid who loves to read, cant stop writing and scored perfect on the district math test. He's always been smart but he was lazy and was much more interested in recess and wallball. He has also become quite the baseball player. He played in the fall and we had a lot of issues with his sportsmanship, but over the winter he matured a lot and this spring his team(coached by his dad) placed second in their division and Henderson was chosed for the AllStar team. He originally was shortstop, but when his shoulder started bothering him, the coaches put him at pitcher( its coach pitch division) and he played that position really smartly. He loves the game and thinks about it all the time. He is always doing this thing I can only call "shadow baseball playing" He is always pitching imaginary balls, or swinging imaginary's really cute.

And Gabriel, my baby.....he turned 7 a week and a half ago. Another July baby, born here in CA where it was even hotter, we did have air conditioning and I was still miserable. He is one of those kids who is just happy to be here. Aside from being a super picky eater, I couldn't ask for a more easygoing kid. He seems to have a real grateful nature and is most often the one who shows how much he appreciates even the little things we do for him. He just finished 1st grade and is proving to be quite studious. He wants everything to be perfect, and while reading isn't his favorite, math just lights him up. He is always building something with legos, or tinkertoys. And he has an obsession with paper airplanes. He still sleeps with his blanket which is in 4 pieces, but I don't mind. He is the baby in the family and I definately treat him that way. He has been missing his two front top teeth for months and was just so stinking cute. He also played baseball this year on the same team with Henderson and coached by Troy. We had to get permission form the league to move him up a level but after they saw him play, they agreed he was ready and he had a great season at second base. He and Henderson had a great little shortstop/2nd base cohesiveness that was fun to watch. Next year, the boys will have to be seperated because Henderson must move up to kid pitch and Gabriel isn't ready for that style of baseball yet.

As for me, it is been a great year. Mostly because my family is doing so well. I love seeing everyone thrive and excel and that is really all I need. I am no longer teaching swim lessons. I had a rather significant back injury in March and quit at the swim school to focus on strengthening my back. (I must admit that since school had been out, I have slacked a bit about going to the gym, but will pick it back up in 2 more weeks when they go back.) Slipping on the wet floors was a big concern for me since this injury really scared me and had me flat and on narcotics for almost 10 days. I recently spend a week in Raleigh and Charlotte, the purpose of my trip was twofold. My Dad and his twin sister turned 70 and so I went to Charlotte to celebrate with them. I was so fantastic to see my cousins and their kids that I hadn't seen in 10 years. I also spent some time in Raleigh with my dear friend from High School who has been having some health related issues. It was wonderful just to hang out and offer my support and apparantly having her girls around lifted her spirits, so were gonna do it again in Key West in September. Yay us!!!

As for Winston, he is still neurotic and loves going to the park to chase his ball over and over and over and over. If dogs could be autistic, I think he might be. He needs schedule and any variation from that schedule sends him over the edge. He still runs and hides when the doorbell rings and chews whatever he can find to release the anxiety. Be the kids love him and he's part of the family, so I guess we'll keep him.

Enjoy the pictures that follow...I'll try to caption the ones that need explaining.

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