Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whats been goin' on?

Well , for starters Henderson has been taught to cut the grass. I fully expected one of those experiences where he whines about having to keep the lines in the grass perfectly to Troy's standards, and then Troy would get short of patience with Hendersons futile attemps at perfects cut lines,....but I was way wrong...Henderson did great, and actually loved cutting the grass. Now he askes if he can cut the grass even when it doesn't need cutting. Im really proud of him for trying his best and for doing so well.

Since operation money hoarding is still plodding along nicely, we had to find fun ways to entertainthe kids this summer without breaking the bank. So what did we come up with? Outside movie night. We borrowed a projector from friends(now were gunna have to buy one) and we project a movie onto a sheet that we put up on the swingset. We've been letting the kids camp out in the yard and cook hotdogs and smores over the fire. I has been a real hit. Here are the boys with the Rucker Brothers (we always say "Rucker Brothers" and never call them by their names because we cannot tell them apart) at their last campout before school started.
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