Friday, August 22, 2008

First Day

Here they go, of to school. Gabriel to kindergarten and Henderson to 2nd grade. I almost started to cry but I don't know if they were tears of joy or sadness. I am glad that I am working on Mondays and Wednesday mornings because I think 5 days alone at home would be boring. Henderson's teacher is a friend of mine, I know he will have a fabulous year.

Gabriels teacher is Mr. Youngdale. He is loving having a man teacher. I though he would respond well to a man, so I requested him. Gabriel will not kiss me goodbye on the playground before school. He says he is a big boy. It kinda makes me sad.
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1 comment:

toners said...

I can't believe how grown up Gabriel looks :) Mr. Youngdale's name sounds familiar; did he work at Buchanan?