Friday, August 22, 2008

Very Long Weekend

Vivian and Henderson had a swim meet this weekend. It was a championship meet that lasted all day both days and the temperature was well above 100 degrees. They both did great....Vivian got a Junior Olympic time in her 50 meter freestyle. This is a huge deal except for the fact that she will be 11 before the next Junior Olympics in the spring and then she will be in a different age group. If she had posted this time in the spring, she would have recieved an invite for the summer Olympics that were just held last month in Long BEach. We are still very proud of her and she now has a goal for next summer. All in all she won 8 medals and a few ribbons. Henderson did great too considering this was his first long course meet. He got a first and third place ribbon in the only events he swam. Way to go kids!!!!
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1 comment:

toners said...

Great job Henderson and Vivian!! Wow!